  • To formally verify that the results of Requirements conform to the customer's view of the system.
Input Artifacts: Resulting Artifacts:
Worker: Requirements Reviewer
Work Guidelines: Reviews
Tool Mentor:

Workflow Details:

The following guidelines are helpful when reviewing the results of Requirements:

  • Always conduct reviews in a meeting format, although the meeting participants might prepare some reviews on their own.
  • Continuously check what is produced to make sure the product quality is as high as possible. Checkpoints are provided for this purpose; refer to the checkpoints for each analysis activity. You can use them for informal review meetings or in daily work.

The following workers, together with the customer and the users, should participate in the review meetings.

Recommended Review Meetings To top of page

Normally, you should divide the review into the following meetings:

Even if you can review everything at the same meeting, you probably won't get approval of your conclusions the first time. Be prepared to carry out new reviews for each new version of the use-case model.

It is recommended that you arrange one review of the use-case model per iteration in the Inception and Elaboration phases, where you review the work in progress; this is initially done and signed off by the users prior to developing any of the use cases in detail, and is a very important milestone so that resources are not spent on developing incorrect use cases. Then, at the end of the Elaboration phase, you should arrange a detailed review of the use-case model. Remember that at the end of the Elaboration phase, you should have a use-case model, and possibly a domain model representing the glossary, that is 80% complete. You should also arrange one review of the use-case model per iteration in the other phases (Construction and Transition) when the use-case model is refined. The review should concentrate on the part of the use case model being developed for the iteration.

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